Six Months & Older!
Be sure to scroll to the far right so that you don't miss any of the cute pictures!
Open WIDE!
Thoren's awfully happy about dinner time!
In fact, he's plum GIDDY!
Thoren is officially a SITTER Now! And he's happy about that too!
He takes a break to play with his Glow Worm.
And...He's HAPPY Again!
Thoren sure likes his British Overalls!
Hmmmm. Let me think about that.
No, I don't think I would like some spinach. Thank you though.
Hello Kitty!
Hi There!!
AAAAHhh! Come closer so I can pull your hair!
Hmmm. I taste a little bit like chicken.
I love my Daddy! Especially when he gives me beer! YUMMY (wer'e just kidding folks...its apple juice)
I've gotten good at this standing stuff!
He's pretending to be a BAD BABY!
Thoren shows off his First San Antonio T-Shirt!
Another San Antonio souvinir! He looks like Elvis in his Oriental pajamas.
Thoren's first Car! Given to him by Grandma & Grandpa.
BEFORE the Haircut! Wild Baby!
WOW! Thoren cleans up nicely with his haircut!
Thoren shows off his new haircut AND his two new teeth!
Thoren is ready to ride!